Mastering the Mind DVD
We can control lions and elephants, we can harness the energy of atom, but to keep the mind quiet for a short time seems the most difficult task. Swami Satchidananda addresses many questions about why mastery of the mind is so challenging and how to control not only the waking but the dreaming mind. He also explains the important relationship between a sincere seeker and genuine guru. This satsang followed a program about Thiruvalluvar, the South Indian sage and author of the Thirukural. Sri Gurudev begins his talk with a story. Later, through another classic story, the tale of the Indian rickshaw driver, Sri Gurudev offers a lesson about contentment of mind. In answer to a question about dealing with unhealthy relationships, he advises: “Renounce anything and everything that would disturb your peace.”This DVD captures the spontaneity and energy of a public talk providing a beautiful opportunity to sit with Sri Gurudev and be guided by his vast wisdom. Additional topics include: Spouse Not On Spiritual Path Following One’s Dharma Animal Testing: Right or Wrong? Engaged but Unsure ⓟⓒ2007 Satchidananda Ashram–Yogaville, Inc.